Wednesday, September 22

Comic Catasrophe

I had a hard time naming this post. It went something like "Good Deed Goes Bad" or "Why stop with a spot?" or "Recreating the Global Flood on a small scale" or "Funny Fact From Fluttering Female Forgetting Foam".... I think you might be getting the idea. Basically, I found a little baby sweater with stains on it that belongs to my sister. I decided to treat the stains for her since I really enjoy the satisfaction of a spot coming out. So on and so forth I put it to soak in the bathroom sink. Umm, I forgot to turn off the water. Then I went to start a load in the washing machine...Louder water adds subterfuge to the softer sink sounds. After finishing the load and taking something into the bathroom to hang up, I step into water. I follow it with my eyes and find the cool plinking noise is the water pouring into the heat vent. I did think to turn off the water and unplug the drain, but it was too late. All of the bathroom drawers were flooded, the counter top, the floor, and the heat vent was funneling it down to my parents storage closet. This should have a good moral. I think. Like, eat more dark chocolate, or drink more cinnamon apple tea, or get a long backrub from Jon...obviously I am overfocused to forget something so obvious! I just need to relax. :)

The upside is as follows:
1. The bathroom did need cleaned, and the floor did need mopped.
2. Now I know what all is in the drawers in that bathroom.
3. Now all of the aforementioned contents will be selectively returned to the drawers.
4. The spots came out of the sweater.
5. I had a good laugh and some great exercise out of the cleanup process.


  1. Well, I had a hard time coming up with which to comment:
    You are hilarious.
    You inspire me to look at everything positively.
    Your shower curtain is cute.
    Sounds like something I would, daily. =)
    Yay for the spots coming out!

    So, I think I'll just say them all.

  2. I love the way you post! And so many at once--which one do I comment on? Oh, I know, all of them. :-) I adore your shower curtain. I did something similar the other day--except it was the kitchen sink. :-)
