Monday, February 28

They match enough to clash.

I can't think of anything profound to say about this post. Except that I am aware of how incredibly blessed I am to have a husband that loves being a dad, works from home, seizes short breaks to read to or wrestle with Jack, and doesn't sit distant and watch his son grow and learn. Happy house.


  1. I like him... and I predicted perfect father material the first CI we ever did. Jon was a jungle gym and I yelled for order ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Now Kat - I wonder what you said and then removed? - and I did not know you could retrieve comments once posted. That is sure a relief. How many times do I say things, and wish I could hit the "removed by author" button......and yes, Jon is a great dad - and Amy a great mom....
