Friday, April 15

Before and After

 The blog is giving me a lot of trouble. I still can't get Jack's 1st birthday video to upload, and I have written and lost this post about our new garden 3 full times. I am going to post a mini version of it now with only a simple before and after picture. The transition part has the best pictures of the dirt that was eaten, the plants that were moved, and the little brother that kept insisting he wasn't going to do "that" part and then did it while I made dinner. Jon, Stephen, Jack, and I had a lot of fun digging in the dirt. Really. My parents bought a couple of gorgeous hydrangeas and other flowers to really polish of the plant array. I think they got excited because they also decided to relandscape the other side of the house with matching stones. It looks pretty too! I will keep trying to put more of the pictures up, maybe a couple at a time will treat me well. Until then, here is our budding garden.
Before (B.(S.)C.) (which obviously means Before Stephen Came)
and After! (A.(S.)D.) (which obviously means After Stephen Departed)

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