Thursday, November 11

On the road again!

 Give a shout for good weather to enjoy rest stops!

The yellow color is from the sun setting. It was a gorgeous sky!

Watch out Canada! Jack is on his way! The chauffer team should have him up there sometime tomorrow. We discovered our favorite route yet this trip, and we give 10 stars to the Michigan welcome center - an amazing playground! Jon travelled pretty well, no major meltdowns, Amy called all of the stops (every hour or so...), and Jack managed to maintain his composure throughout several sudden realizations that he would really rather be out of his carseat at the moment.


  1. Yes - it has been amazing weather and beautiful sunsets all week. But whatever the weather - Canada is ready!

  2. lol... bed made, check, Chocolate covered digestive cookies, check, Raspberry water, check, Tim Hortons Coffee, Check,......

    I"M READYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

    ohh I'm glad you went that way :)... I liked it too.altho for some reason, your route is taking LONGER!!!! ;) Can't wait to see you

  3. I like your blue shirt. You make it look real good.
    Jack is really too much. I'm going to have to stop commenting on his pictures because It's really dull of me to say "He's too cute!" every few pictures.
