Monday, September 26

A month ago...

Kudos to the Minneapolis airport for having a really cool play area right across from our next departure gate. Kudos also for the Starbucks that was four moving walkways away from the play place. Come to think of it, kudos for the moving walkways too. We left Kansas City at 6:54 am. A crazy time for a flight with infants. Ugh. However, we were seasoned for "what not to pack" and I felt like I had just won a golden medal once I sat down in our seats for the first flight, with a quiet baby, and my hair was still in place. A far cry from the first time we flew with just Jack.
On our second flight we even had an empty seat between us and all got to sit on the same row! Jack miraculously fell asleep for about 40 minutes after carefully reading the emergency exit paper and skymall magazine.
 We met Rachel in Minneapolis and Tricia in Spokane. That completed our merry band until we met another half dozen people at the luggage claim.
 Jon and Rachel stayed with the CollegePlus! crew in Moses Lake while Chush and I took off cross country for Chelan to visit my brother's family. At this point I feel it necessary to clarify that I didn't win a raffle or anything, Tricia actually chose on her own free will to fly to Washington just to cruise around in a rental car with me and the boys and eventually get to see the friends in Moses Lake again too if we made it back alive. Incredible.
 So we took 4 hours to drive the 3 hour trip, stopping often out of shear glee at the beauty on the route. These pictures truly don't even hint at how breathtaking it is, but we tried.

 Remember very carefully what this rocky road looks like.
 We took this "primitive road C" as part of the route we thought google designed especially for us. It was really cool.
 Until we wondered if we'd make it to the next road before we were driving through rows of wheat.

 Just when we were laughing so hard I was glad we could go no faster than 12 mph we spotted a paved road again.

Now, look closely.
 See the picture below? 
A few minutes after finding the paved road, we realized that we had gone in one large circle. See that bumpy gravel road straight ahead? Wanna go around again?
So did we. You may notice in the post before this that it looks like Tricia is standing in the same field of wheat. She is. We laughed so hard on our way to Chelan that we couldn't wait to drive the same route on the way back. It was glorious doing it on purpose.

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