Wednesday, March 14

Spring Bites

 Each spring for at least a decade now has bitten this poor little black thumbed gardener like a stealthy spider. I think there must be some euphoric side effect because it always persuades me to shell out some money and plant something. I think I have found my niche. Trees. This is my little darling peach tree. To be exact it is a Sensational Dwarf Peach that I bought last year to perfectly finish the garden my brother in law built with me. It really does the trick. And, guess what!? It is still alive this year! I win. I took three clippings and am attempting to follow copious directions to make them produce roots and be three more little darlings for me. But, we'll see. In the meantime, the buds of the yearling are so vibrant and perfect. This is day two. The day before we noticed little round shapes, and the next day these buds peeped through.

Stay tuned for more blossoms unfolding! Also, does anyone know if every flower produces a peach like berry bushes and apple trees?

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