I am hoping that Jack doesn't spend the wee hours of the night telling London that he is really the family dog. I mean, the tongue is cute and all, but I do hope he'll walk on two legs some day.
This is a very typical neutral, pleasant, well rested London face. Mouth hanging slightly open, eyes begging someone to pick him up.
I have a new adjective for Jack - earnest. He is so keen on doing everything exactly the same way it was done last time, and he wants to be understood so badly. The victorious grin he gives when you finally connect the puzzle pieces is worth all the desperate scanning through recent things you've told him to figure out what he might be trying to remind you of.
This is London's exuberant face. If this were a movie you would see all four limbs wildly flailing when he is making this face. I'd like to narrate him being impressed at Harmony's muscles, but they aren't that big...
Harmony came to visit on Monday and it was fun to have a little baby in the house for a few hours. Josiah came to play too, and I had the happiest afternoon of finding a baby in every room I went in all afternoon. So happy.
the boys all talked and laughed through the open window on this unreal warm day
this kid likes me. it is very mutual.
He is also very determined when he focuses on something!
They are all so cute - I think I will go and have some grapes and see how many I can fit in my mouth too......