Last time youth group met at our house Jon lost his wedding ring playing moonlight starlight. I looked. He looked. Jack looked. No luck. But, I did find the flip flop that was lost 4 months ago last time we played moonlight starlight after youth group. So, we went to the jewelry store and ordered a new ring. It came in this weekend and we decided to go pick it up after the baby shower which was after church which was after sunday school which was after biscotti and coffee for breakfast. I just learned how to make biscotti from my friend Faith this weekend. The pictures below are a smattering of how the Taylors pick up one ring from a store. It was a quick errand.
I never notice London's eye until I take a picture. I think I just always see the sparkles and remember the shape of his right eye. He was especially happy this afternoon.

Jack was not especially happy this afternoon despite the smile in this picture. I don't blame him. After he did not get biscotti and coffee for breakfast, he enjoyed a bowl of equally homemade applesauce which I learned ten years ago how to make from my mother and yogurt which I learned how to make two weeks ago from my mother in law, then made it through church and the baby shower where he didn't eat much for lunch because he is too interested in people over food when there are more people than there is food, then he only slept 20 minutes on the way to the store and then he woke up to his infant brother crying to get out when the car stopped. Do you blame him for not being especially happy?
I'm learning how to control my focal point in the new camera. This is Jon.
This is Jack. He wants you to know that London has a nose.
I love the camera that can come up with this when I am thinking "snapshot" and I love the guy that can look like this without trying.
There is an awesome fountain at the shopping center.
We got the ring. We got a pretzel. We played in a fountain. We played in the grass. We watched Jack throw away trash. That is one of his very favorite hobbies right now. By the way, Jonathan Tate found the original ring in the grass last Thursday evening after only looking for three minutes. Daniel looked too. Now Jon is married on both hands. Thanks for listening!
I remember being at that fountain with Jack. It is so inviting and then they put signs up not to go in it - I don't understand.....glad Jon is back married - and on both hands.