Monday, January 10

O' Tannenbaum...

I'm tempted to back date this post and put it before the pictures of Jack with the tree, but my pride must be squashed. I will not hide my lack of posting behind a cute kid. Enjoy!
 We had to grow our imaginations a little to fill the triple size living room with our decorations for Christmas. Using Mom and Dad's tree helped that goal a lot! It was sad in a funny way to give up our Charlie Brown tree of last year, with it's branches that flip over if the ornaments aren't equally balanced, and the large holes between layers that we tried to cover with more lights, but the end result made us smile and the fullness of the tree added beauty to our big room!

 A rather serious problem...our star was too small to even fit on the top. Jon tried to be creative but eventually my favorite angel from childhood graced the summit.
 Romeo was thrilled at the idea of being able to climb.
When Jack woke from his nap, he heartily approved of the large, sparkly, poky thing we installed.

 On a quick break the boys work on their Christmas wish lists.
 As if he would stay still for even 10 minutes...
The crowning delight of the decorations was the train. Jack would peek under and around the tree to see when it was coming back into sight. I'll admit, being the youngest in my family, this was the first time I have ever enjoyed a train around the tree. The noise was worth the excitement.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures were worth the wait! As a reminder, the Ukrainian Christmas starts January 6 through the 19th - so have a Merry Ukrainian Christmas - you are not too late.....
