These two keys are identical. At least at some point in time they must have been. The key on the right used to start our car. The key on the left actually starts it now. When I turned the car off while in our bank drive through last week, it wouldn't restart. Jon drove over to rescue me and was able to get it started. That night though he drove our car to a meeting and it spent the night there because he couldn't get the key to turn. The next day Jon spent an hour trying to find a locksmith or car dealer that could look up the code to make a new key for us, because we didn't think making a copy would help. After driving an hour away and then to a locksmith and then to the meeting place...the key we had spent all that time attaining didn't start the car either because it was on the wrong key blank. My parents then joined in the fun and took the key code to another locksmith while Jon went to work a conference with CollegePlus!. This time, success! Looking at the drastic differences, we don't wonder why our old key wasn't working anymore. We seriously need to go get copies of the good key made before something bad happens. :)
I think our last van could be started with a screw driver! Seriously, it is amazing how the old key worked for so long after the metal was worn down. There must be some good illustration here.....