Wednesday, April 28

On the move again!

Kim and Daniel are preparing to move this weekend! They are moving to an apartment close to our church building. So Jack and I went with Kim to pack on Monday morning.
Kim packed the bedroom.
I worked in the kitchen.

Jack held this chair in place so we wouldn't forget it.

Sunday's adventures

Sunday our church held a baby shower for Jack. Amelia headed it up with some help along the way from Anne, Kim, and Stephanie. So many generous and fun gifts!

They gave me a bucket of random objects that had to do with nursery rhymes with Jack's name in it. Let's see how you do with it. Here is the list of objects:
*A candlestick
*A vinegar bottle with brown paper rolled up in it and a metal bucket
*A hammer
*Two packages of bean seeds
*Dried Plums
*A small package of lard
Sunday afternoon Jack had his first bottle. I am not sure how I feel about someone else feeding him, but he didn't seem to mind WHERE the food came from! I have to say he is a very avid eater. I was grateful that he didn't mind a bottle, but I am glad he doesn't need to use one very often!

Jack thinks he's all that

Call me COOL. Jack Cool Brennan Taylor.

Oh, yeah, Jack wants you to know that he slept 9 hours straight last night too. 9:30-6:30. His mom is oh-so-grateful for a real full night's sleep. She even had a dream for the first time since Jack was born!

Thursday, April 22

When we all work together...

Some nights it seems like Jack and I race for the dinner hour. I am hungry, it is dinner time. Whether he is hungry or not sometimes he pretends to be, or he suddenly needs some serious snuggle time. Here is how last night's battle by the stove ended.
After talking to him in his bouncer while I got things ready to start dinner prep, Jack decided his objective would be eye contact with me and close snuggle time. I generally love that combination, but it is normally hard to do that while chopping peppers. Until last night. Armed with a sleepy-time sling wrap, Jack and I made it through a peaceful dinner prep and eating time.
Ah, sweet peace treaty.

Details are worth noting

These two keys are identical. At least at some point in time they must have been. The key on the right used to start our car. The key on the left actually starts it now. When I turned the car off while in our bank drive through last week, it wouldn't restart. Jon drove over to rescue me and was able to get it started. That night though he drove our car to a meeting and it spent the night there because he couldn't get the key to turn. The next day Jon spent an hour trying to find a locksmith or car dealer that could look up the code to make a new key for us, because we didn't think making a copy would help. After driving an hour away and then to a locksmith and then to the meeting place...the key we had spent all that time attaining didn't start the car either because it was on the wrong key blank. My parents then joined in the fun and took the key code to another locksmith while Jon went to work a conference with CollegePlus!. This time, success! Looking at the drastic differences, we don't wonder why our old key wasn't working anymore. We seriously need to go get copies of the good key made before something bad happens. :)

For your enjoyment, Grandma.

No comments, just sharing delight.

Saturday, April 17

The newest member to the music team. Today was his first practice.
(I really like his outfit :))
He mostly observed in a passive manner today.
He is expected to contribute more over time.

When things go bump in the night...

Babies don't know which end is up on night and day. It seems like their avid disregard for night and day keeps them at a rather happy functioning level - they are pretty much the same at any hour they are awake. I wish I could say the same for their happy parents. But, alas, we are not so coherent, cheerful, or coordinated during what I have always fondly called "night".
Below are some examples.
While still in the hospital, a nurse brought Jack in during the night to eat, and he was in the bassinet while I was getting ready for him. He started crying and something like this happened -

Amy to a sleeping Jon - "Jon, somebody needs you."
Jon in a mumble - "mm k"

......long pause......

Jon in a high sing song voice - "Hey Jason, hey there little Jason, how are you? Hey Jason!"
Amy worriedly - "Jon?"

...another long pause...

Jon - "uh, Jack. Hey Jack!"
Amy - "Please don't hold the baby Jon. At least not while you don't know his name."
Jon - "Too late."

The first night Jack slept 7 hours, I dreamed that he was crying at his normal 3 hour interval, and thought that Jon had gone and gotten him from his room and brought him to me. However, when I half awoke and asked Jon where Jack was, he said that he was asleep, so I thought that Jack was sleeping in our room and would wake again in a few minutes. I promptly fell asleep again. About a half hour later I awoke in a panic thinking that Jon had fallen asleep and accidentally let Jack slip out of his arms to under the pillow or something and I was afraid he couldn't breath. So I quickly sat up and felt to see where Jack was, but after a moment of looking I couldn't find him and in my half awake delirium I shook Jon awake and asked him where Jack's head was.
His answer?
"In his crib. With the rest of him."

Thursday, April 15


Behold the many faces I can make.

(They say I look like my Uncle Stephen ;))

Monday, April 12

This full night of sleep brought to you by...

This is what Jack does best...

Last night Jack proved that he is good at patterns. For the 4th night in a row he added half an hour to his first sleep installment. Since Thursday he has gone from sleeping 4 hours straight to shocking us last night with 7 hours and 20 minutes before we heard from him again. It was so lovely. I thought newborns were supposed to deprive you of sleep, not the other way around! This morning I finally woke him up at 10 am because he had been sleeping since 9:30 pm with only one intermission at 5:15 am. I must say, I fully approve of his talent. ;)

Wednesday, April 7

I am my father's son...

Hi, my name is Jack. I like my dad. I sleep with my hands under my head like he does, love music, get easily distracted, have a lot of energy but can sleep any time of the day, always eat what is served to me, smile a lot, like people, and I am generally pretty laid back just like him.
I absolutely love to watch Jon with Jack.
They are great friends.
It makes my heart happy to watch him comfort him, carry him, work from home with Jack snuggled on his lap, play the piano with him wide eyed between his hands, and pick out his clothes in the morning confident that Jack will make them look good. :)

Splish Splash I was taking a bath...

Jack's first bath! He loved having his hair washed...but from there it just got worse :) J/K He was a brave little trooper.

First Easter

All I can say is that I really like this little kid. We made it home before Easter, these are taken just after Easter Service at church. I still feel this little wonder like I might have found him in my Easter basket or something. Glad we get to keep him for always.