Kansas Blizzard Activity #4
Make S'mores
My parents love the memories and watching the boys discover simple, happy things.
Don't let go Blake, she might drop you.
The boys' reactions were pretty funny. Jack wanted to make one for everyone he knew. London couldn't tame the stickiness and didn't even eat his. I didn't realize he objected to sticky.
This lick was as far as he got. And I love the proper pinky.
I wanted someone to bet with me over how long it would take for London's to be covered in soot and Jack's to light on fire. Too bad the two inevitables happened before anyone took me up on it.
Sneezing. Who knew sooooooooo many children's books could have plots centered around sneezing. Jack thinks it is hilarious. My dad, "Bop," will read books over and over and over countless times in a row with Jack. Pretty special snuggle time.