Monday, October 15

Gone Fishing!

Jack went fishing in a creek off a bridge with a stick without bait and surprisingly, caught nothing.

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

 Saturday it thundered all day long. Showers came and went throughout the day and it was chilly. More or less a perfect grey fall day. 

Thursday, October 4

We like boy parties

 I left the house one Saturday morning to throw a Pampered Chef party, and Jon invited over a 3 man crew of master fort builders. When I got home, I had no living room, and Jack was sleeping in the depths of the blanket caves.
 Ryan and Caleb loved the moped helmets my parents brought back from Taiwan. We are hoping Kim and Daniel can bring the moped back when they visit. I am sure they are even more fun on the road.

I wouldn't normally post such a blurry picture, but London looks so happy in the background...well, I'm sure you understand :)

Wednesday, October 3


Can you hear him saying "Cheese"? Because that is what finally got my attention when he was repeatedly saying it in the stroller once he saw the camera hanging from my shoulder. This one subtly loves attention. All of it. But he won't be loud to get it, just persistent. That is why he is now saying "Please" over and over in his crib. He wants up. His public awaits.