These pictures got all mixed up in the uploading, but behold nearly 45 pictures of my favorite day being a mom. We went to Biblesta in Humboldt and saw an exotic petting zoo, watched a parade full of Bible themed floats, and saw the coolest most impressive marching drum band in the world. Then we went to my cousin Wendy's house that she and her husband designed and built on 80 acres. It was amazing to reconnect with all of my cousins and watch our kids pretend like they were us 20 years ago. It is great to relive vicariously through toddlers and kids. Kind of like a fast replay on life. Reminds me of the fun things I forgot that we came up the time 7 of us hid in the shower playing sardines and broke the shower rod that my uncle had just installed, only this set of kids broke the rope swing that was just installed.
Josiah konked out on the swing after promising to stay awake for the rest of his life.
This camel and I had a blast, I wanted a picture, he wanted a kiss. I was laughing hysterically trying to snap a shot before my lens was covered in slobber.
Every time Jack stood by a new cage he saw a different animal across the pens.
Those fingers do not belong to my son.
Jonah's legs randomly kicked out of the mouth but I missed it every shot.
Sincerely amazing percussion team
Baby Bubbles
The herd played with the toys
He's the man
The farm boy
Gage the good dog.
Working under pressure
The swing that broke eventually
Jon and I missed the finger memo
There, I feel better now having shared this with you. I will remember how relaxed and happy and full of memories this day was for a very long time. Oh yeah, it was also Cole's 5th birthday. Happy Birthday cute boy. :)