I love daisies. I love these African Ice Daisies in my front garden. (I love my whole front garden...)
I love being married.
To him.

I love invasive plants that make my garden full. This is purple bush basil.
I love my nephew who likes me too. I love babies. I love the baby bump that my nephew can sit and stand on.
I love do it yourself growing that ends up costing more, giving me heartache when big storms threaten them, tempts birds to eat of them, and gives a produce small enough you simply have to eat them fresh off the tree.
I love the curiosity that led this cherry to my nephew's mouth.
I love my sister who comes to stay the night with her whole family just in case I want to go to the hospital and leave Jack sleeping. Who cleans my bathrooms when I slip out of the house to run an errand. Who picks on Jon just because she can. Who knows me inside and out and isn't going to stop loving me, ever. 'Nough said.
My small son who stares at things. He may be fascinated, scared, enthralled, surprised, humored, or tired. All the faces look pretty similar. This one is deep concentration and interest over the large machine Jon is operating while Jack is perched up there.