I realize a full week and a day after Mother's Day that the only pictures I posted or comments I made were about my sister and her boy. :) I haven't forgotten about my boy(s), just had a really busy week! This week we had our last Good News Club of the year, youth group, a family date night out, an unexpected coffee date with a long lost friend, bought and planted two beautiful cherry trees (Mother's Day gift, you'll see more on that below), did my laundry in a rush after procrastinating about it my whole laundry day, made cookies, went on long walks, played with Jack, tickled Jack (tickled Jon too), trained Jack, knocked out a fence in the backyard just to prove that I could, went to the library, checked out a book at 3 pm, read it from 3 until midnight with as few breaks as possible, got up at 7 and finished reading it by 8:30, I guess I enjoyed it :), researched oodles of topics for Jon's video project, watched a beautifully made documentary on Prince John of England that definitely made what I was researching seem a lot more alive, and went to one single garage sale wherein I bought a pair of shorts for Jack that matches 4 of his shirts for summer. It really was a lovely lovely week. Now I think I will just post a string of pictures to illustrate my point.

Our church has a tradition of the children giving a rose to their mom. Jack was a little more with it this year and his enthusiasm made up for his apparent boredom last year. He smelled my flower so much he eventually just had to lick it. It smells better than it tastes.
Thanks to Sarah for taking a family picture of us, and to her husband Matt for making Donald Duck noises to keep Jack's attention :)
We went home to a picnic in our backyard. This picture really captures Jack's perspective on being outside. It's like a domestic jungle! No wonder he likes to explore so much!
Is that food, Dad?
Our family grew up with a tradition of going to Dairy Queen for ice cream on Mother's Day. We got to do it again this year with the three local moms. Jack had his first ice cream, a banana split blizzard.
I think Kim ate Daniel's before she started on hers (visibly untouched at the right edge of this picture)
Beg as he might, Josiah only got plastic stuff to chew on.
Me and Mine. I love her.
Daniel didn't mind sharing with Kim, he ordered so many he was grateful for the help.
My picture doesn't do it justice, but I was greeted that morning by a bouquet of flowers cut from our new garden.
And the coolest card ever.
Later in the week we found out that Jack loves watermelon. I think it might be because we always eat it outside. The juice makes him all sticky, and then he can collect more dirt faster.
This is the white fence I knocked down for fun. After I knocked the first side down I ran in to ask Jon to take my picture. That is because I still haven't had a single picture of me working yet this year. This proves it. I am a big helper.
And this is our awesome new light over the sink (may the old one rest in pieces)
Sarah and her beautiful boys on Sunday
Jack got me 2 cherry trees for Mother's Day. We went to a nursery and had a hayride to go pick them out. Jon planted them on a freezing day and they are happy here. I am already bracing myself to defend their crop.
We may end up eating outside often this summer.
Jon is so sweet. Jack was standing on the deck crying for him so he perched him aloft and I am sure will find out he has some new sore muscles tomorrow.
I think that concludes my random post of springtime. Please remind me to come inside and post some new pictures if I don't come around for a while.