I found it! After carefully digging a hole in my backyard about 8.7' x 11.3', I now know what I did in November. In an effort to catch up to present day (mainly because we took a really cute picture of Jack in front of the tree today and I want to post it) I am going to post a week at a time to get us caught up. This is the second week - we drove to Lindsay! It is lovely there. We took the trip really slowly on the way up and arrived rested and relaxed after seeing some beautiful scenery and having a good night's sleep.
Jack took a few minutes at the hotel to blog about the awesome Michigan rest stop. He really did love the swings there!
One of the many driving breaks Jack gave Jon.
Aunt Treen telling Jack some nonsense. Maybe to be nice to me? She likes to tell him that.
Baseball hat = Bicycle helmet
Trying out the new bike trailer from Uncle Stephen. It is awesome.
Treen and I just before we decided that biking around the gate would take too long so we built a ramp and flipped over the gate like pros.
The Ken Reid Conservation Area is so gorgeous
Hannah and Jack hired story tellers for the day. Grandma and Papa both gave a good long run at it, and Great-Grandma was almost fired for refusing to share the book about sharing.
Dad got a new toupee.
Mom bundled baby up for some chilly walks, one he fell asleep on and parked outside for a bit.
Jon needed to move the car...without waking the baby...without starting it...without help...we stood inside and laughed at him while he pushed unobserved...so he thought...
Steve got up to say goodbye. How cute. ;)