Today I did something brave. My friend Katrina (conveniently related) and other friend Kristine (who you would think related by the names she is called) took me to the capable hands of their hair dresser. I was nervous and excited. Of all the wonderful people we have seen this weekend while in Canada, I post a picture of me. I hate pictures of me as a general rule, but you have a right to see the fabulous hair cut the nice lady Jess gave me. She was a lot of fun, and successful at her task.
Yes, I look tired because I am at this picture's taken point. Please don't comment on that fact :) It won't fix my missed nap today. I missed it to experience a flat tire and hot cocoa.
This used to be Clancy. Well, it still is technically. It turns out that the hair dresser's dog is also an avid top trimmer. A visiting toddler took it upon herself to take Clancy to the capable teeth of the pup and as a result we got a buy one get one free haircut! Talk about a great deal!