One main event that highlighted this visit to Canada was the Taylor's 25th anniversary. It was a grand time planning the party with Katrina and Stephen and getting things ready for guests to arrive.
Saturday morning Katrina and I prevailed in the vote to have Mom unpack her wedding dress. She modeled it for our enjoyment and then some sort of bug bit her. It must have been contagious because the next thing we knew Dad had a suit and bowtie on, they were taking normal pictures that grew sillier and sillier as a goat, baby, and dog were added...and THEN they up and played runaway bride as they ambled off down their country lane with dog and baby in tow - to visit their neighbors and wave at passing cars. It was like watching a childlike spell fall over them as they played dress up for a morning. I loved watching them enjoy it together. I hope to still be able to get caught up in the joy of moments like these when I have been married 25 years.
Meanwhile, in back of the house, Stephen and Jon went to town setting up the yard for the open house. I'll admit I worried at first when I heard them shouting orders to an invisible set up crew...but they did eventually get it all done. I'm not sure if it was with or without help!
This was our brilliant tarp/tent brainchild. After nearly severing the gutter from the roof while trying to secure it in the heavy wind, Dad finally announced that it wouldn't rain if they didn't set it up. That was reassuring. ;)
Nana and Papa came early to help with food. Their sandwich scrappings became my breakfast :) |
Aunt Ferne was a fast favorite. Good thing, because she was determined to keep him! |
Stephen calls this our "awkward couples pose" |
Most of the pictures can speak for themselves. I feel the pressure of starting the next post building up on me :) This day was full of tons of memories that I will always love. So many people that I have tucked into my heart in Canada, and we were glad that many of them could come celebrate with us. 25 years of being married is such a beautiful thing. Having been married only a year and a half it leaves me feeling like I have a lot to look forward to if God will let us both live that long.