Today marks our 11 month anniversary. It doesn't seem like time can really mark how long you have been married. It just makes sense that this is how it should be for the rest of my life. Jon had an early morning meeting today and I left before he returned to go to a grand opening of a new maternity store nearby. Mom and Kim went with me to brave the wave of people because we were enticed with a promise of a gift card to the first 50 people to arrive. We drew our lots from a basket of gift cards and ended up with $135 to spend that day to celebrate their grand opening. It was so much fun! Kim found a great baby sling that is really comfortable and we all watched carefully as the clerk taught us how to put it on. Another find that was an incredible blessing was a black dress to wear as a bridesmaid for Christy's wedding in a couple of weeks. I have been wondering where I would find one that I could afford after waiting so long to see what size it would need to be! God is so good. He is also a great finder of bargains to provide one for free. We found a few other things that I am happy to say fit in our gift card balance, and enjoyed every minute of the shopping spree!

They are beautiful! I don't deserve it.