Monday, December 20

Patience Terminated

 I am a fearful person tonight. I am afraid I will not get through Thanksgiving before it is Christmas and you will never see these painfully cute pictures of our scraggly haired lad with the Christmas tree. So, I felt pretty good getting through our trip to Ontario, and now you may join our Christmas time. Forget the rest of turkey, decorating, family Christmas in Pratt, and our new engine. Behold, the little lamb.

 Please can we be done? (also interpreted - How long has that fan been there?)
 The shirt should have been tucked in, but he is a don juan for style, take it or leave it.
Casually eating decorations...

Sunday, December 19

The big eater

He likes his food to look like ours. Large chunks, full flavor.

The lost trip to Canada

I found it! After carefully digging a hole in my backyard about 8.7' x 11.3', I now know what I did in November. In an effort to catch up to present day (mainly because we took a really cute picture of Jack in front of the tree today and I want to post it) I am going to post a week at a time to get us caught up. This is the second week - we drove to Lindsay! It is lovely there. We took the trip really slowly on the way up and arrived rested and relaxed after seeing some beautiful scenery and having a good night's sleep. 
 Jack took a few minutes at the hotel to blog about the awesome Michigan rest stop. He really did love the swings there!
 One of the many driving breaks Jack gave Jon.
 Aunt Treen telling Jack some nonsense. Maybe to be nice to me? She likes to tell him that.
 Baseball hat = Bicycle helmet
 Trying out the new bike trailer from Uncle Stephen. It is awesome.
 Treen and I just before we decided that biking around the gate would take too long so we built a ramp and flipped over the gate like pros.

 The Ken Reid Conservation Area is so gorgeous
 Hannah and Jack hired story tellers for the day. Grandma and Papa both gave a good long run at it, and Great-Grandma was almost fired for refusing to share the book about sharing.

 Dad got a new toupee.
 Mom bundled baby up for some chilly walks, one he fell asleep on and parked outside for a bit.

 Jon needed to move the car...without waking the baby...without starting it...without help...we stood inside and laughed at him while he pushed he thought...
Steve got up to say goodbye. How cute. ;)

Saturday, December 11

Couserly love

Jack loves Josiah. It bodes well for future siblinghood for him. Josiah opens his eyes, Jack laughs at him, Josiah cries, Jack laughs at him, Josiah eats, Jack laughs at him, Josiah is close enough to touch, Jack laughs and takes advantage of the moment. This picture cracks me up, both the size difference and the expressions.

Tuesday, December 7


Hi! Does anyone know where I lost November? I think the last time I saw it was around the 16th, but I can't find it or the first week of December anywhere! As soon as I find it I will post some new pictures and stories. :( Thanks for any help you can offer!

Tuesday, November 16

The hair dresser and her dog

Today I did something brave. My friend Katrina (conveniently related) and other friend Kristine (who you would think related by the names she is called) took me to the capable hands of their hair dresser. I was nervous and excited. Of all the wonderful people we have seen this weekend while in Canada, I post a picture of me. I hate pictures of me as a general rule, but you have a right to see the fabulous hair cut the nice lady Jess gave me. She was a lot of fun, and successful at her task. 

Yes, I look tired because I am at this picture's taken point. Please don't comment on that fact :) It won't fix my missed nap today. I missed it to experience a flat tire and hot cocoa.
This used to be Clancy. Well, it still is technically. It turns out that the hair dresser's dog is also an avid top trimmer. A visiting toddler took it upon herself to take Clancy to the capable teeth of the pup and as a result we got a buy one get one free haircut! Talk about a great deal!

Thursday, November 11

On the road again!

 Give a shout for good weather to enjoy rest stops!

The yellow color is from the sun setting. It was a gorgeous sky!

Watch out Canada! Jack is on his way! The chauffer team should have him up there sometime tomorrow. We discovered our favorite route yet this trip, and we give 10 stars to the Michigan welcome center - an amazing playground! Jon travelled pretty well, no major meltdowns, Amy called all of the stops (every hour or so...), and Jack managed to maintain his composure throughout several sudden realizations that he would really rather be out of his carseat at the moment.

Wednesday, November 3

New addition to the kitchen

Grandma and Papa T recently sent Jack a highchair. He loves it. It spins around so it can face any direction from the table, he really loves looking out the front window in it. He is doing much better eating cereal, most of it goes down to his tummy now. No more spitting!

Do-si-do your partner

 In a last minute decision to go to the International Student Square Dance we found a pony costume in a bag of clothes someone gave us, and it even fit Jack!
 Jon and I went as his handlers.
 Caden and Corinne went with us too. Caden was a football player and Corinne wore the mouse costume my mom made for me when I was 4. I love our dress up box :) The best part was when Corinne ran away from Caden and he grabbed her tail to catch her. He brought me the tail laughing really hard.
Jack was so sleepy but would not go to sleep. Too much to watch!

Friday, October 29

Parenting styles...

 Mother = Nail cutting, food giving, bath administrating, book reading, baby dressing, errand running, clothes washing, diaper changing, nap bestowing friend.
Father = ball throwing, basket placing, piggy back riding, air tossing, hide and seek playing, piano jamming, bike riding, floor sliding friend.


 Jack loves the new play saucer that our friend Abby is sharing with us. He spins in circles talking to each of the toys.
This is the first step to play sports with Daddy. Next he'll hand him a hockey stick!

Thursday, October 28

Happy day before baby!

Mom and I made a baby diaper cake to celebrate the day before Kim's baby was born. It was really fun :)